Omicron is the latest variant of the Covid-19 virus.
The 1st wave of Covid-19 in india was caused by the beta variant.. The 2nd wave of Covid-19 in india was caused by the Delta Variant.
The present 3rd wave is caused by Omicron.
What is the difference between Delta and Omicron?
Omicron causes a less severe form of Covid illness. Commonly presents as fever,body pain and cold like symptoms in majority of the people like any other viral fever.
However, one person with Omicron can spread the infection to more number of individuals compared to the Delta variant.
Omicron affects more of the upper respiratory System where as delta affects more of the lower respiratory system.
What are the precautions to safeguard myself against Omicron?
Precautions against Omicron are the same as the previous variants. Continue following standard precautions such as social distancing, use of masks, hand hygiene [SMS-SOCIAL DISTANCING,Mask and sanitizer].
What is the treatment against Omicron?
Treatment is symptomatic with antihistaminics and paracetamol since it is a viral infection. No need for any antibiotics.
Antibiotic cocktail (Casirivimab+ Imdevimab) is not effective against the Omicron variant as per the AIIMS/ICMR guidelines and as per the various studies conducted across the world.
What is the efficacy of the vaccine against the Omicron variant?
2 Doses of Vaccination reduces the risk of developing severe illness. Studies have shown that those who develop complications from covid are those who are not vaccinated.
What is the booster dose and what is recommended in India?
A booster dose is an additional dose of the Covid vaccine recommended to further increase your immunity against the virus.
In India, the 3rd dose offered is the same vaccine as your 1st and 2nd dose vaccine. It should be taken 9 months after the 2nd dose.
What should I do if I have symptoms suggestive of Omicron?
If you develop symptoms suggestive of Covid illness, do not panic. Isolate yourself at your home.
Opt for consultation through telemedicine. Contact our specialists through the “Talk to Star” app or through our helpline 7676905905.
The doctors will guide you regarding general precautions, self-monitoring and provide consultations free of cost.
Is Omicron (COVID-19 Variant) treatment covered in my health insurance policy?